SharpGrid Services
We understand that every business is different. Tell us what you need, and we will come up with a solution. Some of our most popular custom projects are listed below.
Using SharpGrid's data technology, we can link each of your records with Outlet Census, so you can use our data directly in your CRM or BI systems. Discover unexpected insights on outlet coverage, the share of wallet, segment market share and more and take action that will bring you real results.
By enriching your customer data with our insights, we can help you identify your “ideal customer” archetypes and translate them into commercial actions like finding acquisition targets with the highest potential, generating data-driven upsell lead lists, or activating your brand portfolio.
Data in a spreadsheet or a database is useful but the path to action is long and painful. Data in your existing systems and reports is visible, useful and actionable. Sharpgrid will customize the data set and its regular updates to make this work.
Interested in where a specific product is performing best? Or how gin-based drinks are evolving as a share of total gin consumption? Or maybe if non-alcoholic beer is taking share from soft drinks? Integrating insights from Market Meter and Outlet Census, we can help you answer almost any question.
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